Japan Terrorist

Recently Islamic terrorists are on the rise again in Paris. I was in Paris almost 40 years ago when I went on a honeymoon trip there. At that time everything was new to me, Eifel Tower, Luvre Museum,  Lui Vuitton handbags and beautiful French belles and all. It's a shame that Paris is now in a state of chaos. But I believe the struggle between the Islamic world and the European's Christian world is impossible. Because the Europeans went on a crusade to Jerusalem about 1000 years ago and killed many Muslems.
This incident reminds me of my own experience that is dangerours, sad, uncomfortable and very scary.

On March 1995, I escaped from Tokyo Metropolitan Subway which was splashed with sarin (poisnous substance) by the religous terrorist group named Aum Shinri-kyo-Religion.
I was waiting for a subway train at Kasumigaseki donwntown Tokyo on my way to work. I waited for a long time. But the train never pulled in.
Meanwhile the platform was full of commuting people. Then someone screamed, "It stinks!" I had an intuition something wrong has happened. I climbed up the flights of stairs to the street. I saw a lot of fire-engines, patrol cars and amubulances going back and forth at the full speed. I had to take a taxi to my office in Roppongi.
An American Vice President Terry cried out, "God damn! Shoko Asahara did it!" I said, "Oh, Jesus Christ! What's the hell is going out there?" Terry calmed down a little bit and said, Let's watch TV news find out." We gathered at a large meeting room. The terrorists sprayed sarin all over the very subway train I had been waiting for. All of a sudden someone moaned in the cubicle.
Terry rushed to his secretary. She didn't feel well and threw up. She must have been in the  train the ruffians were riding.
Immediately she was sent away to the hospital.
Terry declared a state of emergency.
I was allowed to come back home earlier than usuall.
When I reached my house, my wife snatched my suit, necktie and shirt and threw them away.
Come to think of it, I saw Shoko Asahara's campaign truck a week before at Koenji Station. He was a bizzare looking guy wearing a white robe. So many maid girls without panties were dancing around him and singing his heroic song. That was a weird scenery.
I'm sorry to hear that the secretary was hospitalized.  But at least I was saved.

Now that you know my experience. I think you can understand why it was scary, sad, dangerous, uncomfortable and finally happy  all at the same time. I don't know it then, but it was the most important personal experience of my life. It was important because without that experience, I wouldn't be here today in a peaceful and wonderful country talking to all of you. Thank you.



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