Mrs. Braun

One one Sunday evening Mrs. Braun called me. She used to be my German teacher at Goethe  Institute. Now she's retired and lives with her Japanese husband in Arashiyama, Kyoto.
Since I did't expect that she called me up so sudden, I couldn't speak German well. I just wrote down key words such as an exhibition, Japanese dance, "Suita" Theater and the next Sunday.
I got on the internet immediately and checked out on the key words. Presumbably Mrs Braun is willing to invite my wife to her Japanese dance performance at Suita Culture Center. Then I told my wife what Mrs. Braun was up to. My wife was glad to hear the invitation.
The next morning I practiced a telephone call in German by reading a textbook entitled,"The successful telephone conversation in German".
Then I called Mrs. Braun. Up front she said, "Guten Morgen!" But after that she started speaking Japanese. I was a little bit disappointed, though. I told her that my wife was going to see Mrs Braun's Japanese dance performance with her friend on the next Sunday. Mrs. Braun seemed to be happy at the other end of the line.. Mrs Braun replied, "Ganbarimasu"(I'll do my best).
On the next day my wife received a pamphlet about the exhibition.
The performance starts at 11:00 am. But Mrs. Braun appears on the stage about 2.00 pm. Since this is kind of "practice show", they ask no admission fee.
On the next Sunday, my wife and her friend went to the theater. Mrs. Braun wore Kimono and danced gracefully. My wife was enchanted. So she took many pictures. She found the dancing show super!
When Mrs. Braun finished dancing, my wife went to her dressing room. She helped Mrs. Braun wash off her make-up and get dressed.Then my wife presented her "Yokan"(Japanese Sweets) to show her gratitude.
When my wife came back home, she ordered me to print pictures. Then I wrote to Mrs. Braun a letter of appreciation and posted it with five pictures.
Two days later my wife received a postcard from Mrs. Braun. She thanked my wife for coming to the theater. As she was hungry when she went home, she ate "Yokan" with her husband right away She found it so yummy.. At the end of letter she said, "Please visit us in Arashiyama some time."
I found her postcard very polite and at the same time I like the punctuality, politeness and sincerity of the Germans.It looks like that we Japanese and the Germans have many things in common.
As for me it was a good opportunity to brush up on German.



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