My Favorite German Words

Last Saturday I took part in a discussion at Japanese-German Society. The theme is about "My favorite German words."
First of all I talked about "on the move" or "under way" .In German they say "unterwegs."
When I was a pupil at elementary school, I was always on the move especially after school.
I didn't come back directly home. I visited my friends.
For my father stayed almost every day at home and read difficult books and wrote a manuscript for philosophical and ethical magazines.
Our family members were not allowed to make any noises. I remember I had to whisper to my mother. I was sick and tired of this custom in my house. I preferred to be with my friends, playing sword-fighting, slingshots and hide and seek.

Next I talked about destiny. In German they say "Schicksal".
Destiny means fate, what must happen and cannot be changed or controlled.
Man can't escape from his destiny.
I am going to give you an example.
When I was a high school kid, I learned German and wanted to become a German teacher like my grandfather.
But my father was against the idea. He said, "Teachers' salary is low."
After graduating from university I began to work for a company. That decision made my life different from the way I expected.
I moved to Osaka. then I married my wife who comes from Osaka. Fortunately she gave birth to a child. She's now a 37-year-old woman who lives with us.
On one hand I'm happy to be able to eat dinner with my wife and my daughter together every day.
On the other my daughter is really a pain in the ass. She doesn't help my wife in housework.
She sometimes sleeps late in the morning. I wonder what will be destiny of our family.
In summary I think I made a mistake up front in choosing my favorite German words.
Compared to other participants, I selected rather difficult words.
Others chose rather easy greeting German words like "excuse me" or "Entschludigung," Goodbye or "Tschues!" or "Bis morgen.!"



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