Is Putin also Mama's boy?

sources: "Delivered From Evil" The Saga of World War 2 by Robert Leckie

"Incredibly, three dictators-Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin- all three the sons of devout, doting mothers at whose knees they learned to recite their prayers, all three educated in church schools, and all emerged as atheists and persecutors of religion. But Soso was clever enough to shield his true beliefs from the Russian fathers who replaced the Gerogian teachers in 1890, when he was eleven. Generally he had his teachers' esteem as a superior student, and his years at the theological school were formative and without major incident. There was one near-tragic accident: Soso fell beneath a horse-drawn carriage and lay close to death for some time. Blood poisoning complicated his condition, but again he survived: this time with a malformed left arm two to three inches shorter than the other. Stalin was always deeply conscious of this deformity, as he would be of his height when he joined the company of taller Russians and Europeans. When photographed with taller men, he always insisted on being taken seated and at an angle that would reduce the difference in height; and it was a rare picture that did not show him from his right side with his left arm behind his back. Soso was six months short of fifteen when he left the Gori school with honors. After his vacation during the summer of 1894, he would enter the Tiflis Theological Seminary for six more years of study and eventually be ordained a priest."

Is Putin comparable to the three dictators?
It is surprising to hear that he forbids Japanese ballet dancers in the theater when he is present.
Isn't that discrimination against Asians? The Japanese want to retrieve the North Islands captured by the Soviet Union after World War 2. I think Putin is a go-getter when it comes to business. So it would be a hard negotiation between Japan's Prime Minister Abe and Putin.
The advantage for Mr. Abe is that Putin practices Judo and his daughter is hung up on Japanese costume-play, animation and manga. But it looks like we Japanese are short of clinchers, although Mr. Abe is taller than Putin. After all is said and done, Russia wants be regarded as a part of Europe. Therefore I hope Western European Nations pull together to defend Ukraine and impose tough sanctions on the nation that has broken international law. Frau Merkel, Hang in there! When the talks reach a complete deadlock, let him suck your big titties!



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