Personal Experience Speech Preparation Worksheet

Today I gave a lesson on "personal experience speech" to 8 participants. Utilizing "Speech Communication" by Cambridge Publishing Co as a textbook, I told them how to fill out "Personal Experience Preparation Worksheet." The trick is that you give a speech on the unforgettable event in your life, as if you relived the incident. I'm sure that would make the audience relive your experience at the same time. If you want to talk about a happy moment in your life, make them happy. If you want to refer to a sad incident in your life, make them sad, too.
Now I'd like to show you how the preparation worksheet looks like.
What type of experience was it?                                       uncomfortable, embarrassing, sad
Where were you?                                                              German Cultural Center in Kyoto
When were you there?                                                      in September, 2012
Who was with you?                                                          participants of Peter Einsteins's lesson 
What were you doing?                                                      heard Peter Einstein leaving Kyoto 
Why were you there?                                                        to continuously learn German
How were you feeling?                                                     surprising, disappointed, boring, irritable
Why did you feel that way?                                              time was wasted on how to supoort Peter
What was your goal?                                                         to welcome German friends in October
How did you react?                                                           I asked the participants about Peter's problem
How did the sotry end?                                                     get to know Center inside out
Why will you never forget this experience?                     Now I attend a discussion at a German Club

To begin with  you simply  answer each question based on the textbook. Now you're half done. The rest is that you just put in link words between the sentences.
Let me show you an example.
"Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to tell you about my most unforgetable experience to you. It's a shame that I'll have to talk abou the uncomfortable, embarrassing incident which occured to me in September, 2012. I was at German Cultural Center to attend Peter Einstein's class, which consisted of many Peter's fans. As for me I just wanted to continuously learn German as my German friends were coming to Japan in October. On the first day of the lesson Peter confided in us that he had bickering with the director of Cultural Center. Most of the participants were for Peter. Therefore a large amount of time was consumed how to save Peter. It was boring and irritable as an outsider of Peter's class. So I frantically asked each participants what is the cause of Peter's problem. In the course of time I got to know the Cutltural Center inside out. It was surprising to hear the internal conflict which happened in the prestigious Cultural Center. The more I learn about the Center, the more I was disappointed. That's why I am now attending discussion at a German Club."
See how a speech is done? You ask questions and answer them. Then you can go up to the podium and speak to the audience with eye contact. It's piece of cake. I am signing off now. Adios!



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