To those people who are visiting Germany

Is Japan, which stands on the three interfaced tectonic-plates in the Pacific Ocean, allowed to operate nuclear power plants independently?
About 10% of the total earthquakes in the world occurs in Japan.
We have already built 55 nuclear power plants. For better or worse none is in operation since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
But it is expected one nuclear power plant will operate again..
I suggest that Japan stopped operating nuclear power plants. It would take 10,000 years to destroy plutonium.
 On the contrary German Prime Minister Merkel decided immediately  to stop operating seven nuclear power plants in Germany just after learning the catastrophy in Fukushima. On top of that  she's determined to abolish all nuclear power plants by the year 2022. She's a physicist. She knows what she is doing.
In stead of atomic energy Japan should develop solar engery, wind energy and geothermal energy.
For the time being we depend on oil and coal for electricity supply. But that would have a bad effect on the environment.
In this case we could also import liquid gas from Russia and Korea.

I'm sorry that I'm getting off the track. It's about time Japan had good relatonships  with neighboring countries such as China, Korea and Russia.
The first and foremost thing  to do  is to solve the history issues that exist between Japan and the neighboring countries.
Let Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stop visitig Yasukuni-Shrine. What happens if  Merkel pays tribute to Joseph Goebbels grave? Of course she would be arrested for that.
Then the Japanese  patritotic  politician, Mr. Tomogami, who was the recent Tokyo Governer's Election candidate,  may argue that Japan gave freedom to the Asian people who were colonized by the Westerners. According to him we Japanese fought against  the Anglosaxsons' Allied Forces to get even with the "Whites". Thanks to the Japanese bravery  the Asisans are now emerging. Of course there is quite a  difference between the Holocaust and the Nanking Massacre. Then why do we keep quiet? Let us explain to the neigboring countries where we Japan stand. Nobody would listen to us as long  as we speak Japanese.
For that purpose we need to learn more English. To discuss with  them, we need  some clarity, logic and rhetoric.
Look at Germany, how they established good relationships with nine neighboring countries! Eight neighboring countries out of the nine were occupied by Germany during the World War 2. It amazing!
How could the Germans achieve that without paying reparations?  In actual fact Japan has already  paid reparations to China and Korea a long time ago. Then why do they raise an issue again now?
 The characteristics of the Gerrman language are logic, clarity and rigid grammatical rules just like English .So, you can easily speak to Germans in English !  Or are you afraid of speaking to curt, bunt  tall Germans who speak with strong "R" accents?  They would say "Geschlechtsverkehr", "Geschwister", "Krankenschweste"r something like that. In the meantime you may make friends with pure white blond Germans with mesmersizing blue eyes of Scandinavian decent! You could learn a lot of things from the Germans.
After all they have advanced technology in alternative energy.
In summary, the Germans areactually the most  friendly, urbane and cultured people of the European Continent.
Last but not least I'd like to say "Viel Spass!" to Frau Inoue and Frau Fujii when you go on a trip to Germany.



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