
4月, 2012の投稿を表示しています

Sounding Good in English

-Tips for non-native speakers- 1. Immersion -The more you can participate in an English language envrionment, the more interchanges you have with English speaking friends or counterparts, the more your command of English will develop. 2.Reading -If frequent interaction with native speakers is impossible, another good technique for improving your English is reading. -Extended reading in English, especially on topics that interests you, will automatically help you develop a sophisticated vocabulary and skill with the more complex structures of the language. 3. Guidance & Support -Try to get a teacher or a class as soon as you can who guides you and correct your mistakes before you become too fluent. -The natural mistakes you make while learning a second language will tend to become ingrained, or "fossilized" to use the linguistic term. -You can also prevail upon friends or colleagues to correct both your pronunciation and your grammar. 4. Role Model -Choose

Risikos im sozialen Netzwerk

Three years ago I applied for Google email address. For my German teacher started using Googl's blogger as his textbook. To gain access to his files, I needed Google's membership. A year ago I signed up for a social network by the name of Zwei.com. which comprising 1. chattinng up friends 2. posting photographs and writing blog. I used this website strictly for writing up my blog. Once you finish up writing, it's very easy to edit your draft on-line again and again. In the course of time I received quite a few strange comments from women around the world. They are interested in my blog, so want me write them personally."Listen, Quickie, I'm a pretty little blonde girl with brains. I let you know my vital statistics 36-24-37. I am looking forward to your quickest reply. Don't be always a Quickie" The first thing occurred to me is my wife and daughter, although that attractive come-on style offer was irrisitable. So I made it point of turning off their co

Siberian Husky

In April, 1995 I was attending a sales meeting in Atlanta. Russ took us Japanese out for dinner. In there I had a chance to sit next to Jeff at the dinner table. At the far end of the table Akira started talking  with the top brass about specifics of enginnering plastic products. Then I started talking with Jeff about Evie, Because I saw her walking into the office. I notice that she wore a jacket embroidened with colorful signs of Siberian Huskies. The sign describes "Siberian Huskkies Club of Greater Chicago" I asked him whether Evie keeps a dog at home. Jeff suggested that, "Maybe you should ask her on your own. She'd be glad to answer you." Back in Tokyo I sent her a letter with a picture of  my Huskies. To my surprise she sent me a letter with a lot of pictures of the very Siberian Huskies and their pedigrees. She was grateful to me for sending the letter and she says she still keeps my letter and the picture in her purse as a reminder. I am looking for

Statt Japanisch Deutsch zu sprechen

Last Saturday I went to an NPO Japanese-German Association in Kobe to brush up on my German. There I met about 12 participants(11 Japanese, 1 German) from various generations. We discussed a theme on "das Spiel(Game) for solid 2hours. It was impressive that everyone speaks good German. I wonder where they learned the German language. A middle aged woman sitting on my right said that she stayed in Duesseldorf for 20 years. A plump young woman sat on my left and spoke German so fast, that I could not catch up with her. I presume she was working on a working visa as a maid, because she is so familiar with a game for children. She also admitted that children's parent are rich. To my surprise she turned out to be an opera singer, as she passed along  brochures at the end of the meeting. Her photo in the panphlet for an extravagant upcoming show in Osaka Castle was so picturesque that turned me on. It's interesting to know that Germans play also "Mahjong", "Sho

English for Kids

First of all I checked the TV program in the newspaper, because I wanted to know exactly when it started. The program is broadcast on the channel 7. every morning beginning at 6:40 am. Since I needed a magnifying glass, I looked at it closely one more time. All of a sudden my wife came up to me and started nagging me, "For Christ sake, you didn't clean up the room. How many times do I have to tell you that? Tidy Up NOW!!!" For the time being I knew I had be patient. But I put my foot in my mouth by saying, " Leave me alone! Stop shouting at me like that! It's getting on my nerves. You old maid!"

The Celts

-Expansion of Celtic culture in Europe and Asia Minor from 800 B.C. to 400 A.D. - The Celts means a fighter or a brave soldier, samurai and the Gauls. They originally came from the eastern part of France, Austria and Switzerland. Celtic culture expanded from the western edge of South England to the eastern edge of West Hungary. Slovakia and North Croatia; from the southern part of North Italy to the northern edge of German mountains. To the contrary the Germans came down from Sweden and North Europe. When the Germans met Celts for the first time, they were always belligerent. Gradually they interacted through trade and formed alliances. Thus they mixed with the Celts and learned weapon, arms from them. It is also important to note that they learned tecnique such as potter's wheels, cultivating lands and horseback-riding through the Celts. In the end the Celts fought against the Romans. In fact the Celtic General Brennus attacked Rome in 387 B.C. that led to Caesar's trauma to d

My wife blows her fuse

In 1992 I relocated to Osaka headquarters. I left my family behind, because my daughter has entered a prestigious private junior high school in Tokyo. I lived alone in a company dorm. I was sad and lonely. On the contrary my wife was happy to hear this news, as she was born in Osaka. She thought it was a chance that she would be able to join me in Osaka, once our daughter has graduated from school. For she dreamed of living in the Kansai District for a long long time. Within one year the top brass decided out of whim that I moved back to Tokyo. This time I was transferred to a foreign affiliate between America and Japan. I was so exhilarated because I could brush up my English and eventaully visit the American headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia. It is needless to say that I packed my belongings on the double and headed for Tokyo. My wife was infuriated by this transfer. She screamed at me and demanded, "Why did you come back? Why didn't you say "No"to your boss

Singing Karaoke

The other day I went to a karaoke bar with my friend. He's also retired. From noon 12:oo o'clock we sang karaoke for solid two hours. We both started singing American pop songs in the 1960's and 1970's. What fun to sing karaoke! I love it! In the course of time I glanced at my watch. It says 1 o'clock. I was kind of tired and hungry. Then my buddy said, "Kinko, I've got a good song for you." It's too bad that I forgot the title of the song, but it is concerned with the Russo -Japanese War in 1905. Each time I hear him singing this song, I'm sad because he is so passionate about singing the song. As for me it reminds me of the tens of thousands of nameless Japanese soldiers who lost their lives in this war, The video depicts that a Japanese armed merchant cruiser sails alone across the cold, bleak, hopeless Japan Sea. That was a pathetic scene. I wondered why tiny little Japan beat the great power like Russia. People say this is the first ti


In 1995 I attended a small English-learning school located in Tokyo. I met a pretty little British woman there. Her name is Kate. But she preferred to be called Katie. In three weeks I was going to give a presentation in the US. But I didn't know how to get things done. To my surprise she volunteered that she would be my teacher and tell me how to give a speech. I showed her my draft. Immediately she pulled out index cards out of her handback. She wrote down key words on five cards. 1. Greetings---Good afternoon, Good evening... 2. Introduction--Today I'd like to talk about... 3.Body.....the reason I selected this subject is....., the current issue is that.. in my opinion... 4.Conclusion---Last but not least...., I'd like to leave you with this message... 5.Closing----That wraps up my presentation..., If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me I'd be delighted to answer your questions The she went up to a make-shift podium and talked about th

Good-looking Pilot

On the 23st of February my wife and I went to our former apartment in Minoo. At first we greeted our landlord and gave her a small present as a token of appreciation. In return she gave us "Maple-Tenpura" as she also runs a souvenior shop near Minoo Station. After that we cleaned up the room and waited for Maple Real Estate Agent. He checked every room carefully and gave us a green light. Now it's our turn to return the keys to the apartment, Out on the porch, we happened to meet a Jamaican pilot who lived in the same apartment. I said, "Hello" to him and introduced my wife, She said to him,"Oh, handsome boy!" But it seemed he didn't understand that. I corrected her pronouciation and explained to him. My wife meant, "You're a good-looking guy!" Then he smiled at my wife. I went on, "Incidentally I've just moved to a small apartment downtwon Osaka. Now I'm under my wife's control. He was glad to take that joke and said

Burn Out

In July, 2009 I took a German test for an intermediary level at German school which is located in a 50-story-highrise building. The examination was divided into two parts: 1.Writing Session and Hearing Session on one day.2. Interview Test on the next day. The first part of the test took four hours that included two times breaks. My designated seat was located beside the window. I was happy because I could look at my wife's condo through the window. I wondered what my wife is doing now. Watching TV, doing stitch work or doing he dishes? I was relieved that the teacher in charge of examination was a German teacher who I have met. What funny part of the procedure was that she told the partipants to fill out each one's application number, but not to write individual name on the answering sheet. I thought we were treated like the Jews in Auschwitz. Then I put my foot in my mouth, "Typische Deutsche. Das ist doch unmenschlich!" Of course she marked my application number in

Trust Me

Today I'd like to talk about the last summit meeting that was held in Ottawa, Canada. Three thing occurred to me when I heard this topic. Firstly, I'm glad to know that the meeting went well without trouble. However one thing that let me down was that our Japanese Prime Minister Kan was standing far away from the rest of the western political leaders when he was taken a shot. With chubby German Prime Minister, Angela Merkel in the middle, she waved her hand positively. On the contrary, Mr Kan waved his hand rather negatively. In addition to his behavior he stood on the far left side of the podium. As a matter of fact he was counted out. I presume this is due to the fact that he is not good at speaking English. According to Yomiuri Shinbun his English speaking knowledge is just above the average Japanese high school students' level. On top of that he is not accustomed to mingle with advanced nations' leaders, because this is his first trip outside Japan as Prime Minister