Sounding Good in English

-Tips for non-native speakers-

1. Immersion
-The more you can participate in an English language envrionment, the more interchanges you have with English speaking friends or counterparts, the more your command of English will develop.


-If frequent interaction with native speakers is impossible, another good technique for improving your English is reading.
-Extended reading in English, especially on topics that interests you, will automatically help you develop a sophisticated vocabulary and skill with the more complex structures of the language.

3. Guidance & Support
-Try to get a teacher or a class as soon as you can who guides you and correct your mistakes before you become too fluent.
-The natural mistakes you make while learning a second language will tend to become ingrained, or "fossilized" to use the linguistic term.

-You can also prevail upon friends or colleagues to correct both your pronunciation and your grammar.

4. Role Model
-Choose a role model whose native language is English-someone you would like to emulate
-My clients have chosen role models such as Gondoleeza Rice and Richard Gear.
-The object here is to be able to take on a kind of English-speaking person image.
-This helps overcome psychological barriers to the ariticulation of sounds that seem unnatural.

5. One-Syllable Words
-The english language is largely based on Anglo-Saxon roots, with overlay of Latin vocabulary.
-To really reach the heart of an audience, use those AngloSaxon words, the majority of which are one syllabic.
-"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".



The Six Signals All Audiences Want to Hear

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