Singing Karaoke

The other day I went to a karaoke bar with my friend. He's also retired. From noon 12:oo o'clock we sang karaoke for solid two hours. We both started singing American pop songs in the 1960's and 1970's. What fun to sing karaoke! I love it!
In the course of time I glanced at my watch. It says 1 o'clock. I was kind of tired and hungry. Then my buddy said, "Kinko, I've got a good song for you." It's too bad that I forgot the title of the song, but it is concerned with the Russo -Japanese War in 1905. Each time I hear him singing this song, I'm sad because he is so passionate about singing the song.
As for me it reminds me of the tens of thousands of nameless Japanese soldiers who lost their lives in this war,
The video depicts that a Japanese armed merchant cruiser sails alone across the cold, bleak, hopeless Japan Sea. That was a pathetic scene.
I wondered why tiny little Japan beat the great power like Russia. People say this is the first time in history that the Asisans defeated the Whites. That's why I looked into a history book when I came back home. The title is "A Short History of the World" by H.G. Wells. He referred to the war on page 291.
(quote)"The Russians Baltic Fleet sailed round Africa to be utterly destroyed in the Straits of Tsushima. A revolutionary movement among the common people of Russia, infuriated by this remote and reasonless slaughter, obliged the Tzar to end the war(1905); he returned the sourthern half of Saghalien, which had been seized by Russia in 1875, evacuated Manchuria, resigned Korea to Japan. The European invasion of Asia was coming to an end and the retraction of Europe's tentacles was beginning." (unquote) Some people say the Russians are to blame, as they invaded us after America conquered us on the 15th of August, 1945. By the same same token we are to blame when we bombed Pearl Harbor on American's behind on December 8th in 1945. Is the European establishment really on the decline?
Yep, you could say that. But America was on the rise. It was a total folly that Japan fought against the United States in the 2nd World War and got defeated. In a way we still look up to the U.S.A. and Europe. That's why the Japanese keep on singing karaoke to blow steam off!



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