My wife blows her fuse

In 1992 I relocated to Osaka headquarters. I left my family behind, because my daughter has entered a prestigious private junior high school in Tokyo. I lived alone in a company dorm. I was sad and lonely.
On the contrary my wife was happy to hear this news, as she was born in Osaka. She thought it was a chance that she would be able to join me in Osaka, once our daughter has graduated from school. For she dreamed of living in the Kansai District for a long long time. Within one year the top brass decided out of whim that I moved back to Tokyo. This time I was transferred to a foreign affiliate between America and Japan. I was so exhilarated because I could brush up my English and eventaully visit the American headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia.
It is needless to say that I packed my belongings on the double and headed for Tokyo.
My wife was infuriated by this transfer. She screamed at me and demanded, "Why did you come back? Why didn't you say "No"to your boss ?" If I had declined this offer, I would have been dismissed. No doubt about it. It'd happen all the time in a Japanese company. But she wouldn't listen to me and said to me, "Once and for all you get the hell out of here!!!"
I deliberately avoided arguing with her, because I knew that in a week or so I was leaving for Chicago, U.S.A. I took part in a crash-course for two weeks. For a change I visited a shopping mall downtown Chicago from time to time.
There I bought a T-shirt made by Harley Davidson for my wife and some fancy perfume for my daughter. After arriving at Narita Airport I called up my wife. She was glad to hear my voice.
A little present goes a long way.



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