Siberian Husky

In April, 1995 I was attending a sales meeting in Atlanta. Russ took us Japanese out for dinner. In there I had a chance to sit next to Jeff at the dinner table. At the far end of the table Akira started talking  with the top brass about specifics of enginnering plastic products. Then I started talking with Jeff about Evie, Because I saw her walking into the office. I notice that she wore a jacket embroidened with colorful signs of Siberian Huskies. The sign describes "Siberian Huskkies Club of Greater Chicago" I asked him whether Evie keeps a dog at home. Jeff suggested that, "Maybe you should ask her on your own. She'd be glad to answer you."
Back in Tokyo I sent her a letter with a picture of  my Huskies.
To my surprise she sent me a letter with a lot of pictures of the very Siberian Huskies and their pedigrees.
She was grateful to me for sending the letter and she says she still keeps my letter and the picture in her purse as a reminder.
I am looking forward to seeing her again in autumn.



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