
In 1995 I attended a small English-learning school located in Tokyo. I met a pretty little British woman there. Her name is Kate. But she preferred to be called Katie. In three weeks I was going to give a presentation in the US. But I didn't know how to get things done.
To my surprise she volunteered that she would be my teacher and tell me how to give a speech.
I showed her my draft.
Immediately she pulled out index cards out of her handback. She wrote down key words on five cards.

1. Greetings---Good afternoon, Good evening...

2. Introduction--Today I'd like to talk about...

3.Body.....the reason I selected this subject is....., the current issue is that.. in my opinion...

4.Conclusion---Last but not least...., I'd like to leave you with this message...

5.Closing----That wraps up my presentation...,
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me
I'd be delighted to answer your questions

The she went up to a make-shift podium and talked about the subject.
I was astounded that she finished up the presentation, although she had no knowledge about my job. Come to think of it, there are formalities when I go through a presentation. Once you attained that it is piece of pie.
It's interesting to note that even if you are not confident of your answer, you just put up a brave front and keep saying "plase feel free to ask me..." That is a sure fire way to end the speech and let them think you are an expert on the subject.

Thank you for your attention.



The Six Signals All Audiences Want to Hear

Friendly Club