Trust Me

Today I'd like to talk about the last summit meeting that was held in Ottawa, Canada.
Three thing occurred to me when I heard this topic.
Firstly, I'm glad to know that the meeting went well without trouble.
However one thing that let me down was that our Japanese Prime Minister Kan was standing far away from the rest of the western political leaders when he was taken a shot.
With chubby German Prime Minister, Angela Merkel in the middle, she waved her hand positively.
On the contrary, Mr Kan waved his hand rather negatively. In addition to his behavior he stood on the far left side of the podium. As a matter of fact he was counted out.
I presume this is due to the fact that he is not good at speaking English. According to Yomiuri Shinbun his English speaking knowledge is just above the average Japanese high school students' level.
On top of that he is not accustomed to mingle with advanced nations' leaders, because this is his first trip outside Japan as Prime Minister to take part in the summit meeting.
Secondly I'd have to refer to the good news. The meeting with US President Obama went well. Although he had to rely on an interpreter when he talked with the President, he didn't put his foot in his mouth, like former Japanese Prime Minster Hato. Hato sucked up to Obama by saying "Trust me!". Who would trust anyone who says "Trust me"? He shouldn't have said that frivolently. I want to lecture him, "Hey, Looney, are you a flirt?"
During the press conference the President watched Mr. Kan very carefully and spoke highly of his sincere attitude. Mr. Kan assured him of further strong relationships between the two nations. The exploratory meeting is done. I hope that the relation between the two nations will improve soon.



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