Common European Framework of Reference for Language

Today I'd like to talk about CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Language). The reason I chose this topic is that our NHK text is based on B1 level in CEFR. I wondered what exactly is CEFR? I wanted to learn CEFR from the bottom up. So, I searched it in Internet. Now, I'd like to tell you the results.
CEFR is a guideline used to describe achievements of leaners of foreign languages across Europe. It was put togeher by the Council of Europe as the main part of the project "Language Learning for European citizenship." Its main aim is to provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing which apllies to all languages of Europe.
The six reference levels are becoming widely accepted as the European standard for grading an individual language activity.
As you all know in Japan we take it granted that the first grade in the STEP ("Eiken") and 990 scores in TOEIC test is a sign of the best English performer. Is that true?
I compared CEFR to TOEIC test and the STEP.
To my astonishment there's no comparison between C2 level in CEFR and TOEIC or the STEP.
CEFR is super! As far as TOEIC is concerned, its result shows simply scores between competing candidates. Borderlines are not classified among beginners', intermediates' and advanced groups.
On the contrary CEFR proves clearly that in each group what we can achieve in using English.
Ladies and gentlemen, learning foreign languages is like sports. The important thing is repetition of moving your body.
Let's speak out! Not only open your mouth but also pronounce English as if you moved your all muscles in the face. We need no brain. All we need is repetition and motivation.!
In the meantime maybe you should set yourself a target in English learning, preferably in two ways.
For a short term, "I wanna go to Hawaii next year." "I wanna speak English with Americans." "I wanna read English newspaer." "I wanna sing English songs in the  Karaoake bar" things like that.
For a long term, "I wanna take an English examination test."
The key is to plan your learning strategically in two ways so that you are occasionally aware of where you stand in the learning process.
Good luck to you!



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