Lassie Come Home

When I was a high school student, I used to keep a large Collie. His name is John.
He had grown up on a farm of  International Christ University in Mitaka. When I saw him for the first time, I was sad.
 John had only one ear. His mother had licked off his right ear.
Every evening I walked him in the neighborhood. To begin with, we walked through the garden of Koenji Temple. Then we went to Koen Joshigakuin where a lot of coeds with dark blue uniforms were hanging around.
John was happy to see them, because he wagged his tail. Like father like son, he loves girls with uniforms. After that we reached Route 7 highway, where many cars are coming and going. John walked somewhat  faster along the road. He seemed to be tired when we came back home.
It's time for dinner. I served him breast chicken, meat and rice. He ate everything. Then I combed his hair. He cuddled up to me.
He was a really cute pet in my family. One problem with him that he barked at every visitor, regardless of who they were. When someone called on us, I took him to the back yard and tried to calm him down
But all of a sudden it was clouding up. He kept on howling to thunder and lightening.
My father said "John is dumb."  I know sometimes large dogs have no brain. I admit that John is not clever but I like him all the more.
I wish that John come home some day.
But in my apartment I am not allowed to keep a dog. That's a shame.



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