Julia, our German teacher

About five years ago I took a German lesson from Julia at German school in Kyoto.
Julia was in her late 50's and a very up front kind of  person. Everyone felt easy around her.
I liked her lesson, because she let participants talk about what happend to you last week for a few minutes in German. It was nice of her to correct our vocablulary, pronunciation and intonation. On top of that she gave us  clippings of  Heinlich Schliemann from the weekly magazine "Spiegel". A German language genius who struggled to master 14 foreign languages. She wanted to give us tips how we acquire foreign lagnguage. I cherish these useful clippings and I want to speak the foreign language like Schliemann. I owe to Julia my German knowledge.

After school I used to drop in Matsuya to have lunch near Kawaramachi-Shijo Station. Matsuya is a beef-rice-bowl shop, where I ate a big chunk of rice topped with pork and salad, which cost only 300 Yen.
Since my wife calls the shots in my family, she gives me a tiny little amount of allowance.
Well, I have to put up with it, because she is eager to make her ends meet every month. But the  problem is that she thinks my money is hers and her moeny is hers.
When I was full, I left Matsuya and found a vendor machine neaby. I remembered I was running short of cigarettes. So I gave it a try to buy one. I stood before the machine and tried to insert Taspo Card into  the slot as usual. To my surprise I heard a young woman's voice, saying, "Hello, Old Chap, sorry to have caused you inconveniencies, but please take a look into the screen, until we have identified you as an adult person." I was anxious, as it took a couple of minutes before she gave me a green light to buy a cigarrete pack. Another Japanese gadget!



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