As I was a small kid...

As far as I can remember the first scene in my life is the green colored Keio-Line  trains chugging along the rice field in Hachioji. My mother gave me a piggyback. I was on her shoulder. Over the green trains I could see Mt. Takao in the westside. It was a very idyllic scenery.

One day my mother took me to Kamakura, one of  the ancient  Japanese capitals, where my grandmother lived. We went by Enoden and dropped off at Inamuragasaki Station. Then we walked up the path. My grandmother's house was located at the top of the hill. She was the second wife for my grandfather. His ex-wife died ten years before. They lived usually in Kyoto, but from time to time come to thier villa in Kamakura to enjoy the pleasant warm weather on the seaside. I gather he married her, because she was a graduate of not only a prestigious women's college in Tokyo but also the ones in the United States. I recalled her teaching English to children in the neighborhood. Her English pronunciation was excellent. Soon I learned  how to say "hungry", "leisure" and "grandma,"

Next day my mother took me down to the Hichirigahama Beach. We walked along the beach collecting small crabs in a bucket. It was a beautiful day. What I heard from a housemaid, the beach was a famous battlefield between the Kamakura Bakufu and Nitta Yoshisada, a brave samurai rebel against the government. On the right hand the seashore extended to Enoshima Island where my grandfather's monument is erected.

It's getting late. "It's time to get back to grandma." My mother said. But I wanted to hang around the beach and search for more crabs. Actually  I wanted to swim. I insisted.
Then she said flatly, " Have it your own way! "  She left.
I was lonely and I was getting anxious. I hurried back the path up to grandma. But I must have gone astray. I was climbing up the wrong path. All of a sudden I bumped into a big green rat snake with a gaping mouth. He was creeping across the very ground I was about to tread on. He gave me the creeps. I was terrified of being bitten by him. I cried and backtracked to the crossroads, where I took the right turning.
Soon I  reached grandma's villa safe and sound.



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