Returned Mail

Recently I had a complaint from my Swiss friend that she could not send me email with photographs, animation cartoons, Power Point slides and so on. But it seemed strange to me when I could receive emails with Excel files from Japanese friends at the same time.
Anyway I decided to take a look into my computer.
I found so many emails with added files not only in receiving tray but also in sending tray of Outlook Express Account. So, I started to delete them. As it took me a lot of time, I called up my provider. A woman at the service center told me that my email account is working in order as long as I recieve emails from the Japanese friends.
But I was still curious. So, I made a phone call to a computer service center. The moment I talked with him over the phone, my computer got in trouble disconnecting internet.
He said it has something to do with Security Software. Following his advice, I  deleted "Virus Buster" for a moment and checked the computer. No problem arises. In the end I reset the website just in case. Now I can enjoy suring in the internet. He suggested that I send loaded mails intentionally to me for a test. I got my test mails all right.
I presumed that it is a matter of something to do with a Swiss provider.



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