Pensioner's life

In my neighborhood I found three shops where I can enjoy spending my free time.
Firstly, McDonald's. It's located near JR Fukushima Station.. You can drink a premium coffee at the price of 120 yen. Moreover if it's early in the morning, you can smoke up to 10:00 am.
I like this McDonald's because I can work on a script for an English class on Thursdays.
Secondly, a Karaoke bar next to McDonald's. For pensioners you can enjoy singing Karaoke with free beverage at the price of 160 Yen for an hour.
Last but not least,  I'd like to introduce "Tsutaya" a video rental shop to you.
You can rent old videofilms for one week at the price of 190 Yen. That's also a special discount price set aside for pensioners(over 60 yrs).

I  rented a video, entitled "Dresden".
Do you know where Dresden is located? It's located in the eastern part of Germany neighboring Poland and Czechhoslovakia. The second largest city after Berlin in the era of Nazi Germany.
Unfortunately Dresden was completely destroyed by the Royal Air Force and the United Army Air Force in 1945. The Allies wanted to cut off German strategic lifelines to aid the Soviets advance at the west front.

It's strange enough that I heard the city of Dresden for the first time from an American when I was working for the joint-venture. He was not only my counterparts in the States but also close friends. One day I deliberately touched on a senstive issue between the two countries. I took the plunge and complained to him that American dropped atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945. I said, "Bill, that was an atrocity. How could Americans be so cruel to the Japanese? You also had racial discrimination against Japs?" His father was a pilot in the Atlantic Theater. He answered, "Nope. Absolutely not. We devastated Dresden to the hilt. The attack was indiscriminate and harder than Hiroshima."

Well, the movie entails an unexpected romance between a British pilot (Paul) and a German nurse (Anna). Paul was shot down by the German Flak. He got injured but he could walk. He passed for a German and sneaked into a hospital, where Anna worked.
Althogh Anna had fiance, she somehow fell in love with Paul while she was tending him. Dealth penalty would have been sentenced on her, if a Nazi officer had known that.
I found this movie interesting, because I could enjoy English and German at the same time.
I'm glad to know Dresden Frauenkirche(Women Church) which caved down because of airaids, was reconstructed by German achitects and a British volunteering group in 1990.
It's so peaceful. And now we Japanese have no resentment against America and the U.K. as well.



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