Anti-immigration Law

I just watched Internet News in Facebook the other day.
The title is about "Increase of Ku Klux Klan Membership in Colorado."
They attributed the KKKs growing membership in part to "white" low birthrate.
We're losing them to white homosexual relationships and they don't produce and interracial marriage and abortions on demand.
On the contrary Latino population grew 40% between 2000-2010. Alone in Denver Colorado more than 30% of the population is Latino. As the Latino population surged, so did anti-Latino hate crime dispropotionately to other hate crimes between 2004 and 2008. A study found that the number of radical groups including hate groups, Patriot groups and nativist groups rose from just three crimes between the years of 2006-2009, to four in 2010 and 19 in 2011.
My Facebook friend gave a comment. "When the time gets tough, the KKK crawls out of the ground."



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