Yamanote residential area

Today I'd like to tell you about my best friend at elementary school. His name is Kazu who lived in the upscale Yamanote residentail area in Tokyo. Soon we became friends. On my way back home I saw him in front of the school gate. He asked me, "Kinko, why don't you drop in my house today?" I knew he lived close to Nishiogikubo Station. Well, I thought that was a good idea as the station is located one stop away from Kichijoji on Chuo Line. Then I headed for the bus stop. He said to me, "What's the hell are you doing? We don't need a bus. I have a chauffeur with me." I was surprised to see him standing next an American black car. It was a Ford. The car rolled off. I looked at the speedometer from the back seat. It says 40 KM/ hour. But I was wrong. Actually we were doing 40 miles per hour! In 20 minutes or so the car came to a halt in front of a mansion. His house is as big as 3000 Tsubo: it has a large Japanese garden, a pond and a zoo. I enjoyed watching daffodils floating on the pond. We used to play a slingshot. We sometimes practiced Judo and Sumo on the garden. When two cafe-maids from the Tohoku district joined us, we played Ping Pong in the garage. I saw Kazu's father in his study which faced the inside of the Japanese garden. He was not tall but robust. He introduced himself, "I used to be called as the white bear in the North Sea." He cackled. Another time he said, " I was called a little lion in Manchuria. He is said to have slept with thousands of prostitutes from Russia, China and Korea during the Pacific War. Based on these experiences he wrote a porn novel entitled "Don't be a Quickie".
It became a million seller. He must have made a fortune. He was really something.
I wonder what beccame of Kazu.



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