An embarrassing expereince

Today I'd like to tell you about my embarrassing expereince. Last Saturday German school started. The autumn special class begins at 2:00 and ends at 5:15. There are 20 participants. We were packed like sardines in the classroom. A young girl happened to sit on my right side. To my surprise she turned out to be an opera singer. Moreover I was kind of excited, because she had big titties. I was glued to them. But I deliberately talked with a middle aged woman on my left side as possible as I could. It took a while before chemestry worked between the old maid and me. When it came to a self-introduction session, the teacher called on me to inroduce the girl.
For German self-introduction is more like a partner introdcution. I told her, "Fire away!"
She started asking me a lot of questions. What are my likes and dislikes? What are your favorite colors, animals, drinks and meals and so on. Then she summarised them and told everyone about me. After that I told everyone about her by the same token.
I found it quite interesting that German way of introducing other people as opposed to introducing yourself.



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