The Ten Commnadaments

I am of the opinion that you've got to get to the bottom of western civilization if you want to master English. Simply put, read the Bible. When I worked for a medical device company, I always took the Bible with me. It has nothing to do with the job. Rather I was bored with it. Visiting patients, doctors and nurses every day. I used to drop in a family restaurant before meeting them. There I sat at a table, opened the Bible and read it aloud.
"In the beginning when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate...Then God commanded, "Let there be light!"....... I like this "Exodus" part.
Out of nowhere appeared an elderly woman and asked me, "Are you a priest or something?"
I replied, "Absolutely not." Actually I am not a Christian. I was one of those employees who sits besides the window and waited quietly for the day, when my boss ordered, ""You're fired!" It's interesting to find so many western names like Joseph, Peter, Paul, Sarah, Ruth and Rachel in the Old Testament. It's important to get accustomed to these names when you say "Hi" to Westerners. Now the Bible has grown on me. Let's learn English step by step. A little language goes a long way.



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