The Nebra Sky Disc

Today I'd like to show you a beautiful disc, I obtained it from a German teacher who made a speach on "Fairy Tales, Myths and Dreams". A headstone robber happened to find the disc on the central hill in the eastern part of Germany in 1999. You can see it on disply at Sky Visitors' Center in Nebra, Leipzig.
The disc is 3,600 years old and was produced presumably in the ancient Bronze Age(1600 BC).
It is made of gold, bronze, tin and copper and represents fantanstic craftmanship in metal-work.
The disc is 30 cm in diameter and weighs 2 Kilo grams and 4.5 mm thick at the center.
It is an illustration of the full moon, the sun, the lunar crescent and stars that include a cluster which is interpreted as the Pleiades.
They used the disc not only for the solar calendar but also for the lunar calendar. They manipulated these two canlendars and were able to anticipate the Vernal Equinox Day and the Autumn Equinox Day as well. Thus they succeeded in seeding in spring and harvesting in autumn.
I was impressed with the disc because it represents the first illustration of solar system in humann history. It is also mind -boggling to know that the idea of making a calendar existed during the pre-Christian era in Europe
That's why I wanted to share the disc with all of you.
Thank you for attention.



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