The most humilating experience

How I dread doctors. Straight out of university I had a job interview and passed it. Two days later I had a physical check-up. To my surprise the doctor diagnosed me as hypertention. I didn't want to lose the job, so I decided to undergo a complete check-up at a university hospital. The worst part of it was that they were not able find any causes for hypertention. The internal doctor suggested that I see a psycologist. In the course of time I became overreactive to doctors. In my 20's I belonged to a textile division. In my 50's I was transferred to a medical device sales division. My job is to see doctors every day and persuade them to buy our company products. I used to stand straight up with other drug sales representatives at the entrance of the medical office. For we are not allowed to see doctors while they examined patients.
Here come doctors from the hospital wing. Everyone approached him in a humble way. A few of them sucked up to the doctors. Others gave away stethoscopes and medical bags, which the doctors accepted gladly.
One day I sneaked up behind a pompous doctor in the back yard of the hospital. My heart beat so fast that I didn't know what I was talking about. Then I put my foot in my mouth. He got so angry with me that he almost went through the roof. Maybe he got up on the wrong side of the bed. He told me that I was not allowed to see him anymore. After that he called up my boss and told him about this.
All of a sudden I knelt down on my knees and begged him not to do that.
Later in that day my boss asked me to come to his office. As a matter of fact the doctor was not in the least angry with me. Rather he was mad at my former sales representative and our company policy. I was relieved to hear that.
Looking back on the takeover job with my former colleague, it was done in a day. It was a hectic assignment.



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