Moving to a high-rise apartment

I have all kinds of birds singing in my ears, sparrows, woodpeckers, parrots, chickens-you name it. It's like I have an orchestra. It's been seven years since I suffered from ear-ringing. I don't know how it started. Maybe it has something to do with a hectic enviroment where I worked for a health care products company. I belonged to a division that dealt with medical appliances for patients who suffered from pulmonary diseases.
I was in charge of maintaining that gadget. I had to visit at least four patients a day. Moreover I was on a 24-hour- beeper call for 10 days in a row. If we had complaints from patients, doctors, headnurses or whoever that the machine failed to work, we've got to straighten it out until everything is in order. In the end I burnt out and got depressed.
Presumably the sedatives and anti-depressants I obtained from the clinic must have had an influence on the onset of my tinnitus.
Other than tinnitus, I think I am in a state of health. I was able to give a talk at Toastmasters Meeting. I was in Germany five years ago. I enjoy eating healthy food, Natto, Tofu and Ramen every day. Recently I moved to a high-rise apartment. Now I live on the 20th floor. So far so good.
I hope the air pressure has no effect on my ear ringing.



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