Drei Worte

A woman was sitting in a bar.
She was having an "after-work-drink" with her friends.
All of a sudden, a well-built extremely sexy good-looking young guy entered the bar.
He was soooooooooooooooo sweet that she looked at him uninterruptedly.
The young guy noticed that he was being stared at, so he thought he was going to make a pass at her.
Before she was able to excuse her bahavior, he leaned over her and said something in her ear,
"I'll do everything for 20.00 Euro. And I don't expect any return from ya."
She was so excited that she asked what on condition?
He said, "20.00 Euro and you gotta tell me what you want in three words."
The woman considered his proposal for a moment.
Then she pulled a 20-Euro-bill out of her purse very carefully.
She handed him the bill tenderly, together with her private address.
She stuck out her tongue and let it run over her wet lips slowly.
Now, she put her hand on his thigh.
She leaned on him with her outstretched breast.
She whispered something in his ear.
"Clean My House!"



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